Friday, November 4, 2011

Exciting News 19 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So our life is now officially going to change in the next few months.  We finally went to the doctor on Monday, October 24th and confirmed that we are expecting our second bundle of joy, due March 2012.  Seeing the baby on the screen brought back a lot of memories and brought out a lot of emotions and feelings, and yes I cried.  Who wouldn't after what I went through with Landon?  I am so torn with my feelings of excitement and fear.  Everyone is happy for us and wanting to know the sex but again we are not going to find out the sex of this baby either.  It's the excitement of not knowing that I love the most.  When asked "What do I want" the only response that I have is that I want a Healthy baby that we bring HOME!!!!!!!!!! 

All the excitement and joy of being pregnant is starting again.  I have started feeling the baby move and kick and all my morning sickness is gone.  When people have told me before that each pregnancy is different they are correct.  I have been dealing with massive migraines with this pregnancy more often than with Landon.  But with Landon I was sick for 3 months straight and with this one it was just a couple of weeks of morning sickness.  Thank goodness for that.  I don't have a lot of energy and get tired very easily.  I also have been sick more now than I have ever been in the last couple of years.  First I came down with a serve sinus infection that lasted almost a month and then last weekend I had to deal with a server stomach virus.  I guess my immune system is outta whack this year. 

Skull Shot

Ok so back to Baby Vaughn # 2, both doctors that we have seen are very pleased with the growth of the baby.  My doctor (Dr. George Branning) sent me to a High Risk specialist (Dr. David Gore) to monitor the progress of the baby to make sure everything was going good.  I will not have to see the High Risk doctor again unless my doctor thinks otherwise.  Monday 10/24/11 the baby was not being cooperative at all with the sonogram the doctor only got shots of the heart, top of the head, and one leg.  Then Tuesday 10/25/11 the baby was happier having its picture taken because we got face shots, profile and full body.  So we were happy to be able to see the baby.  It still amazes me of the technology options we have now.  I loved just watching the baby move around all over the place.  My doctor wants to see me every 2 weeks so my next appointment will be Tuesday, November 8th. 


  1. I am so excited for you and Taylor! I can't believe you are already half way through your pregnancy! We can't wait to meet this new addition!

    So glad your doctors appointment went well, and that you got to see the baby!

    Congratulations again! I'm so happy you started this blog, and I can't wait for your next post! :)

  2. I am so happy for you and Taylor and cannot wait to meet Baby Vaughn! I love seeing the pictures of the baby. I hope you and Taylor enjoy and treasure every moment of the pregnancy. The baby will be here in no time!
