Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 21

133 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ok so that sounds like a long time but in reality it's only a few short months.  With all the excitement of the holidays just around the corner the time will fly by like nothing else.

This week I am feeling more and more of the baby moving around.  Still no hard kicking but that will come in time.  It still amazes me of the feeling that we as moms get to feel.  I just wish that Taylor could feel it just once to understand the joy I am feeling.  I sit there and start laughing to myself or out loud when the baby starts moving around.  At night when laying in bed I try to hold my hand with a little pressure on my belly to see if I can feel the baby moving or if I can tell what position the baby is in at that moment.  But nothing yet.  I still just feel everything inside, no movement outside yet.  The whole process still amazes me of what we become of. 

From what I am reading they state that the baby is already starting to establish a regular sleep cycle and dreaming.  Also that the baby is the size of a banana so approximately the baby is 11" and 15oz.

So I started thinking about what foods I have been craving this time around.  Chips and Salsa is still something I am craving.  But whats different with this pregnancy is that I am craving water and apples.  I want to eat healthy which makes me happy.  Because with Landon it was sweets and junk food.  I still have a sweet tooth but not as bad.  I think Taylor is just rubbing off on me with his sweet tooth, because I never use to eat a lot of sweets. 

1 comment:

  1. It's so funny how each pregnancy is different! With Mason I switched to a new fruit every month, and I hardly ever felt him move or kick. The others moved like crazy, and I wanted nothing to do with fruit!

    I'm so glad you're feeling the baby move. It is a feeling like no other, physically and emotionally! The holidays will make these last 133 days fly by! Enjoy them!
