40 Days to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 6th we went to the doctor and actually got to see the baby again. I was happy to see this little kiddo again. I mean I can feel it moving but to actually see it is so happy. My heart just melts with Love for this baby. So the first picture is a face shot and I am already in love, the second is a hand, and the third picture is actually the umbilical cord measurements. I learned a lot today about what the doctors look at when doing an ultrasound. My doctor is amazing because he will actually stop and answer any questions that I have at that moment in time. He was taking readings of the umbilical cord and showing us that the movement of the fluids from me to the baby are really good. He wants to see the movement on the line either under the line or above the line but not both. So what you are seeing is prefect. What the third picture shows is not anything of the baby but of me and the cord. We also got to hear the heart beat again and everything is sounding good still. Ok, so you might be wondering why the post is titled Week 33/34. Well that is due because my doctor told us that I am a week further along than we thought. So now my estimated delivery date is March 17th so that makes me at 34 weeks and not 33. So I skipped a week. My doctor wants to see me in two weeks, so my next appointment is Monday, February 20th.
I am still dealing with a lot of indigestion and I am hoping that it will all be gone once I deliver this sweet bundle of joy. I am still on the right track and drinking about 100oz of water a day. I am still amazed at myself at how well I am doing with that. But I know that it has to be done so I will do anything to be healthy and to have a healthy baby. At 34 weeks the baby weighs about 4 3/4 pounds, like an average cantaloupe, and is almost 18 inches long. The baby is already head down and getting ready for delivery. From the ultrasound we could see that the baby was in the fetal position but pointing down. Also I was able to know exactly what party of the baby I was feeling and what was kicking me. Above and to my right of the belly button is it's butt and feet, so I was joking and saying I can start spanking that little butt when I get kicked.
This week at work I had a smile on my face because one of my little guys was very comfortable laying on my belly and I had to share these pictures. I tried to get the picture of Lucky when he would actually rest his head on my belly but he would move everytime I would bring my phone up to take a picture. It was also funny to see his reaction when the baby started kicking and moving and he was still laying on me. Love the looks on the dogs faces when they get kicked by the baby and they are trying to figure out what is going on.
We will see what the doctor saying in two weeks and hopefully I am still on the right track and not starting to dilate any. I want to keep this little one in as long as possible. But I am getting excited to see that beautiful little precious face for the first time.
I hope the indigestion gets better for you. The pics of the puppy on your belly are absolutely adorable!