Monday, April 23, 2012

1st Week Home

Home with our Sweet Baby Boy

After being in the hospital a couple of days by Sunday, March 25th we were ready to go home.  At first Christopher did not like the car seat but then he calmed down.  He loved the car ride home.  I was a little frightened to leave and not have the hospital nurses there at all time but I was happy to go home and be home with my little boy.  Being a mom is such a wonderful thing and being home with him even felt better. 

We had many visitors come to the hospital and meet our little guy and Taylor and I were happy to show him off. 

Christopher had his hearing test in the hospital and he passed with flying colors.  We laughed when she was getting him ready because he looked like he had headphones on and listening to music.

The first week home I was so happy to have my mom here with me to help us if we needed anything.  She cooked, cleaned and did anything that was needed not letting me do anything.  I am so grateful that she was able to stay with us and help out.  She is a life saver.  And yes she loved getting to spend the time with Christopher.  I love seeing her walk over to where he is and just look at him and smile.  His Granny loves him so much.

When we left the hospital Christopher's discharge weight was 5lbs 13oz.  Which is a 5% weight loss from his birth weight.  At 5 days old we went in for his first doctors visit with Dr. Laura Harn and she was so pleased with him.  His weight was 6lbs 3oz which made her very happy because he was passed his birth weight and normally babies don't do that especially breastfeeding babies.  I am now able to not wake him up every 2 to 3 hours during the night to feed him and let him sleep until he wakes up.  His length was 19 1/2 inches long and head circumference was 13.25 inches.  We go back next week for his two week old check-up.

The rest of the week was just getting use to having him home.  He had his first bath at home and this boy loves getting a bath.  I am so surprised that he didn't scream once I placed him in the water.  He just laid there smiling.  Hopefully that will last and he will love bath time.  Friday when changing his diaper I noticed that his umbilical cord fell off.  I did love seeing that only at a week old he was able to hold and put his pacifier in his mouth.  I put the paci in his mouth and it fell out and he put it in his mouth and then held it there for awhile.  Such a big boy at such a young age.

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